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  • Is At-Home Hemodialysis Right for You? Considerations and Benefits

    Category: Medical


    At-home hemodialysis represents a significant advancement in renal care, offering patients greater flexibility and control over their treatment regimen compared

  • Types of Peritoneal Dialysis: Understanding Your Options

    Category: Medical


    A renal replacement therapy that utilizes the peritoneum (a membrane in your abdomen) as a filter to remove waste products and excess fluid from the blood when

  • Preparing for a Kidney Transplant: What Patients Need to Know

    Category: Medical


    Preparing for a kidney transplant is a significant step towards improving health and quality of life for individuals with kidney failure. This procedure offers

  • Nutritional Guidelines for Patients Receiving In-Center Hemodialysis by CFKC

    Category: Diet & Nutrition

    Here are some following nutritional guidelines for patients receiving in-center hemodialysis, which are crucial for managing their health and well-being:

    Fluid In

  • Life-Saving Kidney Transplants: How CFKC Supports Patients

    Category: Medical


    Central Florida Kidney Centers (CFKC) is an organization dedicated to providing support and resources to kidney failure patients in Florida. One of their main f

  • The Benefits of Peritoneal Dialysis: Insights from Central Florida Kidney Centers

    Category: Medical


    Peritoneal dialysis is a form of renal replacement therapy that uses the peritoneum (a membrane in the abdomen) to filter waste and excess fluid from the blood.

  • How In-Center Hemodialysis Works at CFKC: A Patient's Guide

    Category: Medical


    In-center hemodialysis is a procedure that involves the use of a machine to remove waste and excess fluid from the blood for individuals with kidney failure. At

  • The Role of Vitamins and Supplements in a Kidney Patient’s Diet

    Category: Diet & Nutrition


    Vitamins and supplements play a crucial role in a kidney patient's diet as they can help to support overall health and compensate for potential nutrient deficie

  • Life After Dialysis: Exploring Kidney Transplant Options with Central Florida Kidney Centers

    Category: Articles


    Kidney transplant is considered the best treatment option for patients with end-stage renal disease who are on dialysis. Central Florida Kidney Centers offers c

  • Eating Well for Kidney Health: Dietary Tips for Managing Kidney Disease

    Category: Diet & Nutrition


    Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for managing kidney disease.

    Here are some following dietary tips to help you eat well for kidney health

  • Bringing Dialysis Home: The Advantages of At-Home Hemodialysis with Central Florida Kidney Centers

    Category: Medical


    Central Florida Kidney Centers offers a comprehensive at-home hemodialysis program that provides patients with the opportunity to receive dialysis treatment in

  • Empowering Lives: How Central Florida Kidney Center Provide Vital Dialysis Support

    Category: Medical


    Central Florida Kidney Center (CFKC) plays a crucial role in providing life-saving dialysis treatment to patients with kidney failure.

    Here ar

  • Understanding Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

    Category: Medical


    Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder that causes numerous fluid-filled cysts to form in the kidneys. These cysts can grow over time, leading to

  • Central Florida Kidney Centers: Delivering Excellence in In- Center Hemodialysis Care

    Category: Articles


    Central Florida Kidney Centers is committed to delivering excellence in in-center hemodialysis care to our patients. We strive to provide the highest quality of

  • Central Florida Kidney Centers: Offering Peritoneal Dialysis for Renal Health

    Category: Medical


    Peritoneal dialysis is a form of renal replacement therapy that uses the peritoneal membrane in the abdomen as a natural filter to remove waste and excess fluid

  • Optimizing Kidney Health: Nutrition Tips for a Healthy and Balanced Diet

    Category: Diet & Nutrition


    For overall well-being it is crucial to main optimal kidney health.

    Here are some following nutrition tips to help support healthy kidney func

  • Embracing the Benefits of At-Home Hemodialysis for Kidney Well-Being

    Category: Medical


    At-home hemodialysis is an alternative treatment option for individuals with kidney failure that allows patients to undergo dialysis treatments in the comfort o

  • Little Fighters, Big Hearts: Navigating Pediatric Dialysis for Childhood Wellness at Central Florida Kidney Centers

    Category: Medical


    Pediatric dialysis can be a challenging experience for children and their families, but with the right support and resources, it is possible to navigate this jo

  • Renewed Hope: Exploring the Path to Wellness with Kidney Transplant Services

    Category: Medical


    Living with kidney disease can be challenging, but with the help of kidney transplant services, there is renewed hope for those in need of a transplant. By expl

  • CFKC Center of Care: Navigating In-Center Hemodialysis for Optimal Kidney Health

    Category: Medical


    Navigating in-center hemodialysis can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can optimize your kidney health.

    Here are some followin

  • Understanding Genetic Kidney Disease and Navigating the Path to Wellness

    Category: Medical


    Genetic kidney diseases are a group of disorders that are caused by changes in genes responsible for proper kidney function. These conditions can affect individ

  • A Comprehensive Guide to Diet and Nutrition for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

    Category: Medical


    Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a condition in which the kidneys do not function properly, leading to a buildup of waste and fluid in the body. It is essential

  • CFKC's Guide to At-Home Hemodialysis for Enhanced Comfort and Care

    Category: Medical


    CFKC's Guide to At-Home Hemodialysis for Enhanced Comfort and Care is a comprehensive resource for individuals undergoing hemodialysis treatment at home. This g

  • Little Heroes, Big Battles: A Guide to Pediatric Dialysis and Kidney Care

    Category: Medical


    It is a comprehensive and detailed resource aimed at providing valuable information for parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals involved in the care o

  • Understanding the Importance of Kidney Dialysis for Lifelong Health

    Category: Medical


    Kidney dialysis is a life-saving treatment for individuals with kidney failure or end-stage renal disease (ESRD). This process involves removing waste and exces

  • Top 10 Healthy Drinks for Individuals with Kidney Disease

    Category: Diet & Nutrition


    When it comes to managing kidney disease, what you drink is just as important as what you eat. Certain beverages can help support kidney health, while others ma

  • Home Hemodialysis in the Heart of Florida: Empowering Wellness in Orlando

    Category: Medical


    Home hemodialysis (HHD) is a type of dialysis that allows patients with kidney failure to receive treatment in the comfort of their own homes. In the heart of F

  • Eating for Kidney Health: A Guide to Kidney Diet and Foods for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

    Category: Diet & Nutrition


    Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD) as it can help manage symptoms, slow down the progression of the disease

  • Salt Sensibility: Reducing Sodium Intake for Kidney Stone Prevention

    Category: Medical


    Reducing sodium intake is an important step in preventing kidney stones. Excessive sodium consumption can increase the risk of kidney stone formation by causing

  • Navigating Social Gatherings: Tips for Kidney Patients at Events and Parties

    Category: Medical


    Social gatherings can be challenging for kidney patients as they often involve food and drink choices that are not suitable for their dietary restrictions. Howe

  • The Stages of CKD: Navigating the Progression and Treatment Options

    Category: Medical


    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition where the kidneys gradually lose their ability to function properly over time. This can lead to a variety of symptom

  • Navigating Nutrition: Making Healthy Food Choices During Your Travels

    Category: Diet & Nutrition


    To make healthy food choices when traveling, it can be challenging. With so many tempting options available, it's easy to give in to indulgent and unhealthy mea

  • Managing Your Health: Tips for Self-Care and Monitoring during Home Hemodialysis

    Category: Medical


    Home hemodialysis is a treatment option for individuals with advanced kidney disease who are unable to undergo traditional, in-center hemodialysis. It allows pa

  • The Benefits of Peritoneal Dialysis: Quality of Life in Kidney Care

    Category: Medical


    Peritoneal dialysis is a form of kidney replacement therapy that involves using the peritoneal membrane in the abdomen to filter waste and excess fluid from the

  • Navigating Home Hemodialysis: Unveiling the Benefits, Risks, and Barriers

    Category: Medical


    Home hemodialysis is a treatment option for individuals with kidney failure that allows them to perform dialysis treatments in the comfort of their own home. Wh

  • Post-Transplant Care: Ensuring a Successful Kidney Transplant Recovery

    Category: Medical


    After undergoing a kidney transplant, it is crucial to take proper care of your new organ to ensure a successful recovery.

    Here are some follo

  • Advancements in Kidney Care: The Future of Kidney Disease Treatment

    Category: Medical


    Millions of people worldwide that are affected by a chronic and progressive condition known as kidney disease. It can lead to kidney failure, requiring dialysis

  • 10 Benefits of screening for chronic kidney disease

    Category: Medical


    Screening for chronic kidney disease (CKD) involves conducting various tests to evaluate kidney function and identify any damage or impairment. Early detection

  • The Role of Hemodialysis in Managing Kidney Disease

    Category: Medical


    Hemodialysis is a medical procedure used to manage kidney disease in individuals with advanced stage renal failure. It is an important component of renal replac

  • Supporting Loved Ones with Kidney Disease: How to Help and What to Know

    Category: Medical


    Having a loved one with kidney disease can be challenging, both for them and for their family and friends. However, there are several ways you can support and h

  • Managing Diabetes to Protect Your Kidneys

    Category: Medical


    Managing diabetes is crucial to protect your kidneys, as diabetes is a leading cause of kidney disease. By closely monitoring and taking proper care of your dia

  • Dialysis on Your Terms: Scheduling Flexibility in At-Home Hemodialysis

    Category: Medical


    At-home hemodialysis is a type of dialysis that allows patients to receive treatment in the comfort of their own home. One of the major advantages of this treat

  • Nutrition Tips for Kidney Health: What to Eat and What to Avoid

    Category: Medical

    Maintaining kidney health is essential for overall well-being. A proper diet and good nutrition play a crucial role in ensuring optimal kidney health.

    Here are some nutrition tips

  • Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Stages and Progression

    Category: Medical


    A condition where the kidneys gradually lose their ability to function properly over time is known as chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is typically a progressiv

  • Traveling and In-Center Hemodialysis: Tips for Patients on the Move

    Category: Medical


    Traveling can be a challenge for patients who require in-center hemodialysis. However, with the right planning and preparation, it is possible to enjoy travelin

  • Pediatric Dialysis: Providing Specialized Care for Young Patients at Central Florida Kidney Centers

    Category: Medical


    Pediatric Dialysis is a specialized branch of healthcare that focuses on providing care for young patients with kidney conditions at Central Florida Kidney Cent

  • Living Well with Kidney Disease: Lifestyle Strategies for Quality of Life

    Category: Medical


    Living with kidney disease can be challenging, but there are various lifestyle strategies that can make a significant difference in your quality of life.

  • Nutrition for Kidney Health: Eating Right to Support Your Kidneys

    Category: Diet & Nutrition


    Maintaining good nutrition is essential for maintaining kidney health. The kidneys play a vital role in filtering waste and toxins from the blood, regulating fl

  • Nutrition and Fluid Management for At-Home Hemodialysis Patients: A Comprehensive Guide

    Category: Medical


    Nutrition and fluid management are crucial aspects of at-home hemodialysis patients' care. Proper diet and hydration play a significant role in maintaining over

  • A Note from CEO Dennis Buhring. The Top 10 ways we make life better for the kidney health community

    Category: Articles

    I couldn’t be prouder today of the extraordinary, brave patients we serve and of our caring and compassionate staff who support them. This year, Central Florida Kidney Centers celebrates its

  • Understanding the Role of Kidney Transplant Coordinators: Key Players in Successful Transplantation

    Category: Medical


    Kidney transplant coordinators play a crucial role in ensuring the success of kidney transplantation procedures. These healthcare professionals are responsible

  • Traveling on Hemodialysis: Tips for Maintaining Treatment Routine Away from Home

    Category: Medical


    Traveling on hemodialysis can be challenging as it requires careful planning and preparation to ensure that you can maintain your treatment routine while away f

  • The Importance of Dialysis: How Central Florida Kidney Centers Support Patients

    Category: Medical


    Dialysis is a critical medical procedure that helps individuals with kidney failure by removing waste products and excess fluid from their blood. This procedure

  • Pediatric Dialysis: Understanding the Lifesaving Treatment for Children with Kidney Disease

    Category: Medical


    Pediatric dialysis is a lifesaving treatment for children with kidney disease. When a child's kidneys are unable to function properly, dialysis helps in artific

  • Understanding Kidney Disease: How Diet Plays a Crucial Role in Managing the Condition

    Category: Diet & Nutrition


    Kidney disease is any condition in which the kidneys are damaged and cannot properly filter wastes and extra fluids from the blood. It often causes long-term pr

  • The Benefits of Home Hemodialysis: Convenience, Flexibility, and Independence

    Category: Medical


    Home Hemodialysis or Home HD is a type of dialysis treatment that can be done in the comfort of a patient’s own home. It is a form of treatment that gives

  • Home Hemodialysis: Long-Term Treatment Option for Kidney Failure

    Category: Medical

    Home hemodialysis is a form of dialysis therapy that is performed by the patient in their own home, rather than in a hospital or a dialysis center. Home hemodialysis uses a machine that filters the

  • Early Detection of Kidney Disease: Why You Should Care

    Category: Medical


    Early detection of kidney disease is critical to ensure that individuals can receive treatment as early as possible to reduce long-term complications. Early dia

  • What is the difference between Peritoneal Dialysis vs. Home Hemodialysis?

    Category: Medical

    Peritoneal dialysis: Peritoneal dialysis is a type of dialysis which uses the peritoneal membrane as

  • Kidney Diet: 9 Proven Tips for Dieting When You Have Chronic Kidney Disease

    Category: Medical

    1. Choose low-protein, low-sodium, and low-potassium foods.

    Your diet should be tailored to your individual needs and should include foods low in protein, sodium, and pot

  • 15 Causes of Kidney Disease in Children You Must Know

    Category: Articles

    1. Congenital anomalies: Congenital anomalies are genetic or birth defects that can cause kidney disease in children, such as obstructive uropathy or polycystic kidney disease.

  • A Guide to Home Hemodialysis

    Category: Medical

    Home hemodialysis is a form of dialysis that is done at home instead of at a hospital or clinic. It is a way for someone

  • Understanding the importance of Kidney Dialysis

    Category: Medical

    What is kidney dialysis?

    Kidney dialysis is a medical procedure that is used to remove waste, toxins and exc

  • How to Find the Best Pediatric Dialysis Center Near You

    Category: Medical

    Finding the best pediatric dialysis center near you can be a challenging task. The key to finding the right center is to research a var

  • 10 Symptoms of Kidney Disease You Shouldn't Ignore

    Category: Medical

    What are the most common kidney diseases?

    The most common kidney diseases include chronic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease, acute kidney injury, and kidney stone

  • 8 Reasons to Consider Home Hemodialysis

    Category: Medical

    What is Home Hemodialysis?

    Home hemodialysis is a form of dialysis that patients can perform

  • 10 Travel Tips for Kidney Disease Patients

    Category: Medical

    Kidney disease, also known as renal disease, is a condition in which the kidneys are damaged or unable to function properly. Kidney disease is a serious condition that requires careful management a

  • Pediatric Kidney Disease Treatment at Central Florida Kidney Centers

    Category: Medical

    Pediatric kidney disease is a condition that affects the kidneys of infants, children, and adolescents. It can have a significant impact on growth and development, and can lead to serious health co

  • Preserving Your Kidney Health — In-Center Hemodialysis at Central Florida Kidney Centers

    Category: Medical

    Preserving your kidney health is essential in-Center Hemodialysis at Central Florida Kidney Centers for maintaining overall well-being and preventing serious health complications. The kidneys play

  • 10 Tips to Prevent Kidney Disease If You Have Diabetes

    Category: Medical

    If you have diabetes, you are at a higher risk of developing kidney disease. The kidneys play an important role in filtering waste products from the blood, and high blood sugar levels caused by dia

  • Top 8 Best Drinks for People with Kidney Disease

    Category: Medical

    When you have kidney disease or are subject to liquid intake limitations because of renal failure or dialysis, you need to be careful about the liquids you put in your body since some of them may b

  • 8 Things You Need To Know About Chronic Kidney Disease

    Category: Medical

    Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) affects millions of Americans, yet many are unaware that they even have this condition. Symptoms tend to be mild and often go unnoticed, especially in the earlier stage

  • 9 Best Foods You Should Eat For Healthy Kidneys

    Category: Diet & Nutrition

    Your kidneys function as natural filters, clearing toxic waste from your bloodstream and maintaining a healthy balance of bodily fluids. A balanced, healthy diet will typically maintain the kidneys

  • Kidney Dialysis Diet Plan For Patients On Dialysis

    Category: Diet & Nutrition

    The main purpose of a kidney dialysis diet plan for patients on dialysis is to encourage a diet rich in nutrients to improve the effectiveness of dialysis. The professionals of dialysis centers in

  • Why You Should Choose Central Florida Kidney Centers for Kidney Dialysis

    Category: Medical

    Dialysis is used to filter blood and remove extra fluid from the body when kidneys can no longer do these crucial tasks. Peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis are the two main modalities of this the

  • 7 Tips for Travelling While On Kidney Dialysis

    Category: Medical

    7 Tips If You Need to Take a Trip but Have Kidney Dialysis

    Although vacationing is one of life's greatest joys, dialysis patients may be hesitant to go too far from their

  • 8 Diet Tips to Help You Manage Chronic Kidney Disease

    Category: Diet & Nutrition

    Chronic kidney disease: these eight dietary recommendations to help you control your condition

    Almost 1 in 7 Americans have chronic kidney disease (CKD) - an estimated 37

  • Best food for Kidney Disease Patient on New Party

    Category: Diet & Nutrition

    High-Quality Food for Those with Kidney Disease, Prepared by the New Party

    A bottle of champagne and some tasty treats are standard fare at New Year's Eve celebrations wi

  • 6 Kidney Health Tips to Maximize Your Life in 2023

    Category: Diet & Nutrition

    Helpful Advice for Maintaining Better Kidney Health in 2023

    The kidneys, each about the size of a fist, are located on either side of the spine near the base of the rib c

  • 6 Easy Ways to Prevent Kidney Stones

    Category: Medical

    Kidney stones are one of the most common medical conditions. They occur when minerals build up in the kidney, which creates small, hard deposits. Kidney stones can be excruciating and cause serious

  • What Is Hemodialysis and How Does It Work?

    Category: Medical

    Hemodialysis is an essential medical treatment for patients who have reached the end stage of kidney failure. By controlling the patient's fluid and waste levels, this treatment has the potential t

  • How to Know When You Need a Kidney Transplant

    Category: Medical

    Your kidneys are two of the essential organs in your body. They filter your blood, remove waste and excess water, and help regulate your blood pressure. If your kidneys aren't working correctly, it

  • Peritoneal Dialysis: What You Need To Know

    Category: Medical

    If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with kidney failure, you may wonder what treatment options are available. One option is pe

  • Kidney Failure - What Type of Dialysis Should I Have?

    Category: Medical

    If you have kidney failure, you may need dialysis to live. Dialysis removes extra fluid and wastes from your blood when your kidneys can't do this anymore. There are two types of dialysis: hemodial

  • 5 Tips on How to Ask For a Living Kidney Donation

    Category: Medical

    We make it a routine practice to solicit help from others. Even though these favors are usually small, we don't think twice about asking for them. But it might be challenging to ask someone to do s

  • 5 Things To Keep In Mind Before Choosing Home Dialysis

    Category: Medical

    Dialysis is only one treatment that has become more difficult to provide in hospitals since the outbreak. Most dialysis patients must get treatment regularly, which necessitates many journeys to th

  • What to Know About Stage IV Chronic Kidney Disease

    Category: Medical

    If a person's glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is between 15 and 30 ml/min, they are considered to have stage 4 chronic kidney disease (CKD). If your GFR is in this range, your kidneys aren't doing

  • Can a Person Recover From Kidney Failure?

    Category: Medical

    Patients with renal failure who get treatment have a fair chance of a long and healthy life, even though there is currently no cure. Whether the renal failure was acute or chronic makes a massive d

  • How Walking Can Improve Kidney Health?

    Category: Medical

    If you or someone you love is experiencing kidney issues, one of the many things you should ask is, "What treatment options do I have open to me?" “Can you tell me the procedure for

  • Can I Travel While On Dialysis?

    Category: Medical

    For patients on dialysis or who have just had a kidney transplant, being able to travel is critical to their quality of life and sense of self-worth. To attend business conferences or meetings, pat

  • How To Keep Your Job While On Dialysis

    Category: Medical

    In addition to providing financial security, health insurance, and other benefits for employees and their families, a job may also be socially rewarding. What alternatives do you have if you learn

  • 6 Things to Consider When Facing Kidney Disease

    Category: Medical

    If you have CKD, you can protect your kidneys from additional damage by following a few simple guidelines. It is to your best advantage to acquire a kidney disease diagnosis as soon as possible. Th

  • Common signs of Kidney Stones and its prevention

    Category: Medical

    Approximately 500,000 Americans visit emergency rooms annually for kidney stone-related illnesses. About one in ten individuals may develop kidney stone pain at some time. From 3.8% in the late 197

  • Facts on Kidney Transplantation Before Starting Dialysis

    Category: Medical

    Deciding whether or not to have a kidney transplant requires considerable contemplation. Making a decision will be much easier if you are aware of all the essential information.


  • Kidney Transplant: What You Need to Know Before Surgery

    Category: Medical

    Before enduring a life-changing event like a kidney transplant, it is imperative that you have a clear understanding of what to expect.

    In terms of organ transplantation, kidney

  • Dialysis in Florida for Traveller at CFKC

    Category: Medical

    It is crucial for a patient's quality of life and feeling of self-worth to travel, especially if they are on dialysis or have just had a kidney transplant. Patients who are employed may be required

  • What to eat (and avoid) if you have kidney disease

    Category: Diet & Nutrition

    Your kidneys perform a wide range of vital processes for your overall health. You need them to filter your blood and remove waste materials, produce hormones, maintain strong bones, regulate fluid

  • Which Kidney Dialysis Option is Right for Me?

    Category: Medical

    There is no universal treatment for end-stage renal disease (ESRD); hence, individualized care is needed. Using your doctor's guidance, you may narrow down your treatment choices to the one that be

  • 5 Recovery Tips For Kidney Transplant Patients

    Category: Medical

    The damaged kidney is removed and replaced with a healthy one from a donor during a major surgical procedure known as a kidney transplant. Patients whose kidneys have stopped working for any reason

  • Hemodialysis vs Peritoneal Dialysis: Which is Right for You?

    Category: Medical

    Peritoneal dialysis (PD) and hemodialysis (HD) are two dialysis methods that have recently seen an increase in interest in evaluating health outcomes throughout the spectrum. As chronic disorders l

  • How Long can You Live on Kidney Dialysis?

    Category: Medical

    Dialysis is the only therapeutic option for patients who have reached the end stage of renal failure. Patients who have been diagnosed with end-stage renal failure may have their life expectancy ex

  • Traveling Outside of the U.S. on Dialysis

    Category: Articles

    Dialysis may be difficult to arrange when you're far from home or your normal dialysis clinic, so it's understandable if the prospect of travelling outside the US seems daunting. Although your inte

  • Kidney Transplant: What You Need to Know Before Surgery

    Category: Medical

    For us, the first step in making our patients confident in the promise we made to educate about the procedure they will go through.

    For those with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or kidney

  • Is Kidney Transplant Safe?

    Category: Medical

    A renal transplant, which is another name for a kidney transplant, is a treatment option for people whose kidneys have failed and are towards the end of their lives (ESRD). A patient with renal fai

  • Can a person on dialysis live a normal life?

    Category: Medical

    To mimic the kidney's function, dialysis uses artificial diffusion and filtration of waste and water from your body. Those whose kidneys have been damaged or are failing to get dialysis therapy are

  • Should I stay on dialysis or have a kidney transplant?

    Category: Medical

    In many cases, dialysis patients are concerned about the change in quality of life they may experience after they are given a new kidney. In various studies, people who have received kidney transpl

  • How To Travel When You Have Kidney Disease?

    Category: Articles

    Most people with renal disease are able to travel for both work and pleasure if they have the right preparation. In fact, taking a trip or vacation may be a great way to relax and offer one somethi

  • Kidney Transplant: It is the Best Option for Survival

    Category: Medical


    A kidney transplant is a surgical

  • Tips for traveling on Kidney Dialysis by Central Florida Kidney Centers

    Category: Medical

    It's said that nothing should stop you from achieving your goals. 
    So why do you stay away from your travel goals even if you are on Dialysis these days?

    Keeping some useful t

  • 8 Symptoms of Kidney Infection & Disease You Must Know About

    Category: Medical

    Kidneys are vital organs that perform a variety of activities in the body. However, various causes might cause them to have health issues that extend across their whole body. The vast majority of k

  • How Alcohol Can Affect the Kidneys

    Category: Medical

    With the holiday season well underway, there will undoubtedly be a slew of parties, get-togethers, and celebrations in the coming weeks, many of which will involve alcohol. While a drink or two at

  • How Does Dialysis Works For Kidney Failure

    Category: Medical

    Kidney failure is one of the common problems millions of people are facing in the world today. There are many reasons for an ill or failed kidney function. The most common of them are long-term dia

  • How long can You Live on Peritoneal Dialysis

    Category: Medical


    Peritoneal dialysis is a type of dialysis for the treatment of kidney failure. In peritoneal

  • When Is A Kidney Transplant Needed?

    Category: Medical

    This guide provides detailed information about various hospitals for a kidney transplant in Florida, including eligibili

  • Travel Tips: A Guide for Kidney Patients

    Category: Medical

    Are you planning to travel but need to ensure a smooth kidney dialysis process on the go? Or have any doubts regarding that? This is the right place here. Kidney transplantation is a lifesaving tre

  • How to improve kidney function to avoid dialysis?

    Category: Medical


    All vertebrates have a pair of kidneys, which are bean-shaped organs. The kidneys maintain blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and waste removal. The kidneys are among the

  • Can Kidney Dialysis Patients Travel By Air?

    Category: Medical


    Traveling is a fun experience. For many kidney dialysis patients, traveling is a huge morale booster and a point of relaxation. Whether this travel by air is for business o

  • Kidney diet and foods for chronic kidney disease (CKD)

    Category: Diet & Nutrition

    What is Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)?

    Long-term dysfunction of the kidneys is known as chronic kidney disease (CKD). CKD may progress and possibly lead to renal failure. As the illness

  • What is the difference between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis?

    Category: Medical

    When the kidneys aren't working correctly, a dialysis procedure removes waste products from the blood. There are two forms of dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. It wou

  • Can you go on a holiday abroad if you are on kidney dialysis?

    Category: Medical

    Every human being loves to travel and explore new destinations and interests.  Even those who are undergoing any kind of treatment can travel safely without worrying about falling ill. The sam

  • How long can you live without dialysis with kidney failure?

    Category: Medical

    Most human beings have two kidneys which help in filtering our body's blood. Some people are born with one kidney also. Our body is capable of functioning with one healthy kidney.  Our kidney

  • When do I need dialysis?

    Category: Medical

    What exactly are kidneys and how do they function?

    Human beings have two kidneys which are bean-shaped organs, about the size of a fist. They are placed on either side of the spine belo

  • Top 5 Healthy Drinks for people with Kidney Disease

    Category: Diet & Nutrition

    We have two kidneys, which are organs shaped like beans and are positioned on either side of the spine, deep in the abdomen, each one around 10-15cm long. Their primary function is to remove toxins